Final Clearance 9 1

Last updated on May 12, 2022 10:30:03 AM in Academic Issue
Posted ByCaleb Admin

At the end of your program at Caleb University Lagos, ensure you proceed to the final clearance process as this is mandatory, at least if you require your certificate from the school. This is your last obligation as a student and it is done at all levels of the institution. 

Here is a brief on the process

1. Obtain the final clearance form from the Student Affairs department.

2. Listed on the form are departments you are required to get cleared form. You advised to start the clearance from bursary (You would be required to offset your bills, if still indebted).

3. The clearance ends at the Registry where you will be directed to get your certificate from the Exams and Records Department

Note that Certificates would only be issued if Convocation for your graduating set has been done, otherwise a Notification of Result would be issued.

** The time is base on America/New_York timezone